Add your name and your property so that the world know what it’s missing.
Selected Value: 150
How much where you renting for?
Enter the link to your apartment here so the world knows what they are missing out on in terms of short term rentals.
Just a first name is OK. But do enter a name. We want the world to know these rental laws are affecting a group of real and diverse people.
Enter your email so that politicians, journalists or other activists can connect with you.


If you came to visit New York, would you want to stay in a hotel or have your own apartment, with a kitchen, perhaps a garden, maybe even on the same street as your relatives or your temporary job. Would you at least like to have a choice?

Every day thousands of people come to visit New York, most stay shorter than 30 days. As of last year they have few choices but to stay in a hotel room.


Feel free to reach out to any person who signed this list. That is what it’s for. If you want to get in touch with the people who created the list use the forn to the left or the email below.